Lavelle, S., and Mackay, R., "Burial Grounds - Kitsch Memorials or Serious Undertakings?" in J. Birmingham, D. Bairstow and A. Wilson (Eds.), Archaeology and Colonisation: Australia in the World Context , pp 173 - 186, The Australian Society for Historical Archaeology Incorporated, 1988
Department of Planning / Heritage Council of NSW, (text and photographs by S.Lavelle),
Cemeteries: Guidelines for their Care and Conservation, 1992, Sydney.
Lavelle, S., and D Mider, The Archaeological Zoning Plan for Central Sydney 1992, Sydney City Council, May, 1995
Bickford, A., and S. Lavelle, "Places to Mourn Diana" pp 61-66 in Re:Public (Ed) Planet Diana: Cultural Studies and Global Mourning, Research Centre in Intercommunal Studies, University of Western Sydney, 1997
Bickford, A., D. Donlon and S. Lavelle, Skeletal Remains: Guidelines for the Management of Human Skeletal Remains Under the NSW Heritage Act 1977, NSW Heritage Office, September,1998.
S. Lavelle, "An Historical Archaeological Perspective: The Stage 1 Conservation Plan" pp 29 - 39 in L.Banks (Ed) Exploring the Great North Road: 1998 Forum Papers, Wirrimbirra Workshop, Kulnura, December, 1998.
S.Lavelle, "Caley's Repulse: Explorations in Desire" pp 174 - 185 in Fresh Cuts: New Talents 2001, Journal of Australian Studies No. 67, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, QLD, 2001.
S.Lavelle, "Founding Fathers and Foundering Myths" pp 5 - 36 in School of Humanities: Working Papers, Volume 1 Faculty of Arts and Education, School of Humanities, Ourimbah Campus, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, NSW, 2002.
"Archaeology, Necrogeography and Necrotecture in the Sydney Region - Evolving Cultural Patterns in the Disposal of the Dead"
Thesis submitted for Master of Arts (Pass) with Merit, Historical Archaeology, Sydney University, 1989
Lavelle, S., "Report on the Archaeological Resources of Rookwood Necropolis" prepared for the NSW Department of Public Works, February, 1988.
Davies, M., with S. Lavelle,"Hillman Orchard , Hunters Hill - Excavation Report" prepared for Hunters Hill Municipal Council, July 1988.
Lavelle, S.,"Report on the Historic Resources of the Southeastern Region" prepared for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, September, 1988.
Don Godden and Associates Pty Ltd.,"Penrith Cemeteries Conservation Plans and Appendices"prepared for Penrith City Council, November, 1989.
Don Godden and Associates Pty Ltd., "Hunters Hill Heritage Properties Curtilage Study and Appendices" prepared for Hunters Hill Council, November, 1989.
Lavelle, S., with E Higginbotham, "Historical Archaeology of Armidale, NSW". Armidale Heritage Study, prepared for Perumal Murphy and Armidale Council, July, 1990.
Lavelle, S., "Guidelines for the Care and Conservation of Cemeteries", report prepared for the NSW Department of Planning, September, 1990.
Godden Mackay Pty Ltd.,"Mays Hill Cemetery Conservation Plan" report prepared for Holroyd Municipal Council, November, 1990.
Lavelle, S., and M Dallas, "State Highway No.5 - Great Western Highway, City of Blue Mountains, Proposed Deviation from Albion Street to 300m east of Explorer's Tree at Katoomba - Archaeological Study" Report prepared for Roads and Traffic Authority, January, 1991.
Lavelle, S., and M Dallas, "State Highway No.5 - Great Western Highway, City of Blue Mountains, Proposed Reconstruction and Widening from Meeks Crescent to Parkes Crescent at Faulconbridge - Archaeological Study" Report prepared for Roads and Traffic Authority, January, 1991.
Godden Mackay Pty Ltd.,"Berrima Cemetery Conservation Study" report prepared for Wingecarribee Shire Council, March, 1991.
Godden Mackay Pty Ltd., "St Anne's Anglican Churchyard, Ryde: Conservation and Management Plan", report prepared for St Anne's Parish Council, July, 1991.
Godden Mackay Pty Ltd., "Macdonald River Valley, Colo River Valley Cemeteries Study" report prepared for Hawkesbury City Council, September, 1991.
Lavelle, S., "Recording of Historical Archaeological Relics, Woodford Bends, Woodford NSW", Report prepared for Connell Wagner (NSW) Pty Ltd and the Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW), April 1992.
Sue Rosen Pty Ltd., (S Rosen and S Lavelle) "Heritage Assessment of Second Cox's River Stockade Site and Associated Graves, Proposed Upgrade of Lyell Dam, Lithgow", Report prepared for Pacific Power, May, 1992.
Lavelle , S., and Godden Mackay Pty Ltd., "Old Man Valley Cemetery, Hornsby, Conservation Plan", Report prepared for Higgins Family Descendants, June 1992.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological and Heritage Assessment of the Construction of New Power Lines in the vicinity of Hepburn and Old Bathurst Roads, Linden, NSW", Report prepared for Prospect Electricity, July, 1992.
Lavelle, S., "Recording of "Stratford" No.4 San Jose Avenue, Lawson, NSW" Report prepared for Blue Mountains City Council, August, 1992.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Ground Disturbance, Bull's Camp Reserve, Woodford , NSW" Report prepared for Connell Wagner(NSW) Pty Ltd, The Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW) and The Heritage Council of NSW, October, 1992.
Lavelle, S., "Recording of Masonry Retaining Wall and Culvert, Woodford Bends, Woodford, NSW" Report prepared for Connell Wagner(NSW) Pty Ltd and The Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW), October, 1992.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Investigations of the No.1 Mortuary Station and the Necropolis Circuit , Rookwood Necropolis , Sydney, NSW", Final report for the Joint Committee of Necropolis Trustees, December, 1992.
Fels, Lavelle and Mider, "Melbourne
Central Activities District Archaeological Management Plan, Final
Report, December, 1992. 4 Volumes :
Volume 1 - Report and Land Use History, Volume 2 - Maps
Volume 3 - Final Inventory CAD Blocks 1-65 and Streets
Volume 4 - Preliminary Inventory, extended area (Blocks 66-82)
Lavelle, S., and G Karskens, "Survey and Assessment of Historical Archaeological Relics, "Linden Bends" , Great Western Highway, Linden, NSW" Report prepared for The Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW), February, 1993.
Lavelle, S., and D Mider, "The Archaeological Zoning Plan for Central Sydney 1992", Report prepared for the Sydney City Council, February, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Recording of Masonry Retaining Wall and Culvert (2), Woodford Bends, Woodford, NSW" Report prepared for Connell Wagner(NSW) Pty Ltd and The Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW), March, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological and Heritage Assessment, "Chateau Napier" Site, Leura, NSW", Report prepared for Wm Grace, Project Managers, March, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Dismantling of Convict-built Wall and Recording of Other Convict-built Structures", Report prepared for Connell Wagner(NSW) Pty Ltd, The Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW), and the Heritage Council of NSW, May, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Site of the Blackheath Stockade, Blackheath, NSW", Report prepared for the Public Works Department (Northwest), and the Department of School Education, June, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Work and Rescue of Farm Machinery, "Dundullimal", Dubbo", Final report prepared for the National Trust of Australia (NSW) and the Heritage Council of NSW, August, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Water Board Works, Woodford Academy and Twenty Mile Hollow Lock-Up Site, Woodford, NSW", Report prepared for the Water Board and the Heritage Council of NSW, October, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Works at the Convict Lumberyard / Stockade Site, Newcastle", Report prepared for the Council of the City of Newcastle and the Heritage Council of NSW,October, 1993
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological Assessment, "Greencliffe" 51-53 Kirribilli Ave, Kirribilli, NSW",Report prepared for Bruce Swalwell Architects, November, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological Assessment, "Parklands" Site, Blackheath, NSW", Report prepared for Ian McMillan, Architect, December, 1993.
Lavelle, S., "Assessment Report Masonry Retaining Wall, Great Western Highway between Queens Road and Kings Road , Leura , NSW", Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, May 1994.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Blue Mountains TAFE CollegeSite, Great Western Highway and Mitchell Street, Wentworth Falls, NSW", Report prepared for the Public Works Department, May 1994.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Macquarie Pier and Nobbys Head, Newcastle, NSW", Report prepared for Suters Architects Snell, June, 1994.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Works at the Blackheath Stockade Site, Blackheath Public School, Blackheath, NSW", prepared for NSW Public Works (Northwest), The Department of School Education, and the Heritage Council of NSW, June, 1994.
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Investigations of the Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW", prepared for K R Stubbs and Associates, July, 1994.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Study and Plan of Management , Teralba Cemetery" report to Landcom and Sinclair Knight, December, 1994
Suters Architects Snell, "Conservation Plan, St Patrick's Cemetery, Parramatta", Draft report to Parramatta City Council, December, 1994
Lavelle, S., "Assessment Report, Quarry Site, 206 Great Western Highway, Warrimoo, NSW", Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, December, 1994.
Lavelle, S., and Dallas, M., "Archaeological Study Castlereagh Road Between Jane Street ,Penrith and Andrews Road, Cranebrook, NSW", draft report for J Wyndham Prince & Associates, October 1994. (final: April, 1995)
Lavelle, S., "Assessment of Historical Archaeological Relics, Linden Bends, Great Western Highway, Linden, NSW" report for Roads and Traffic Authority, February, 1995
Lavelle S., "Headstone & Gravesite Of Gregory Blaxland All Saints' Cemetery, Parramatta: Assessment & Recommendations" Report for the Council of the City of Parramatta, January, 1995
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment of Convict-Built Ramp on the St Albans Road, Mount Manning, NSW", Report for the Convict Trail Project, Bucketty, March, 1995
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Salvage Excavation, 1993, "Lindesay" Darling Point, NSW", prepared for the National Trust of Australia (NSW), June, 1995
Lavelle, S., "Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Works for a new games court at Blackheath Public School , Great Western Highway and Leichhhardt Street, Blackheath, NSW" for NSW Public Works (Met North West), November, 1995
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Masonry Retaining Wall and Culvert, Great Western Highway, Old Bowenfels, NSW", report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority (Western Region), November, 1995.
Lavelle, S., "Inspection of Stone walls and Other Features, Berry Creek and Gore Cove, Wollstonecraft", report prepared for North Sydney Council, November, 1995.
Lavelle, S., and the Nepean District Historical Archaeology Group, "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Site 32, Penrith Lakes Scheme Area, Cranebrook, NSW" report prepared for the Penrith Lakes Development Corporation, December, 1995.
Lavelle, S., "Recording of Masonry Culvert and Box-Drain , Great Western Highway, Katoomba, NSW", report prepared for Sinclair Knight Merz and the RTA, January, 1996.
Lavelle, S., "Emergency Recording of Masonry Bridge Abutment, Parramatta Road, Auburn" report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, January, 1996.
J Amanda Jean (Gemray Pty Ltd) and Siobhán Lavelle, "Bar Island, Hawkesbury River - Conservation Plan", Final report for Hornsby Council, February, 1996.
Lavelle, S., "Albion Park Pioneer Cemetery - Conservation Plan", prepared for Shellharbour City Council. Final report, February, 1996.
Lavelle, S., and T Corkill, "Preliminary Assessment of Aboriginal Archaeological Site Potential and Historical Archaeological Potential at Blaxland Public School, Glenbrook Public School, Mt Riverview Public School, Springwood Public School, Warrimoo Public School, City of Blue Mountains, NSW". report prepared for the Education Branch, Schools Section, Public Works, March 1996.
Lavelle, S., "Rookwood Necropolis - Archaeological Appraisal of Sites of Former Buildings and Abandoned and Derelict Buildings, Ruins and Structures", Final report prepared for the Joint Committee of Necropolis Trustees, April, 1996.
McMillan, Britton and Kell P/L and S. Lavelle, "Main Road 233, Replacement of Railway Overbridge (Tin Bridge) 1.2 Km North of Wellington - HERITAGE ASSESSMENT", report for Roads and Traffic Authority (Western Region), August, 1996.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment: 232 George Street, Windsor, NSW" report for Alex O'Grady, Architect, Aloha Designs, August, 1996
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological Assessment: "Hadley Park"Penrith Lakes Scheme Area, Castlereagh, NSW" Report For Graham Edds And Associates, September 1996
Lavelle, S., and the Nepean District Historical Archaeology Group, "Archaeological and Heritage Assessment: RES Site 15, "Minnaville" Penrith Lakes Scheme Area, Castlereagh, NSW" report prepared for the Penrith Lakes Development Corporation, September, 1996.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological and Heritage Sites, Survey and Assessment, Great Western Highway Reconstruction, Tollgate Drive Section, Linden", report for Connell Wagner Pty Ltd, October, 1996.
Suters Architects (Suters, Lavelle, Doring and Turner) "Newcastle Archaeological Management Plan Stage II" (2 Vols) report to Newcastle City Council, February, 1997
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological And Heritage Sites:Survey And Assessment, Great Western Highway Reconstruction, Weemala Avenue To Martin Place, Linden,NSW", report for Roads and Traffic Authority, April 1997.
Lavelle, S., "Old Northern Road, Maroota: Inspection & Advice Regarding Current Works", Report For The Roads And Traffic Authority, May, 1997
Geoffrey Britton , Heritage and Design Consultant (components by S Lavelle) "St Patrick's Cathedral and Site, Parramatta, NSW, Australia: Conservation Plan", prepared for the Trustees of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, June1997
Bickford, A., Dr. D. Donlon, and S. Lavelle, "Guidelines for the Management of Human Skeletal Remains Under the NSW Heritage Act 1977", report to the NSW Heritage Office, June, 1997
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Sites And Relics: Survey And Assessment, Great Western Highway Reconstruction, Faulconbridge, NSW", report for Roads and Traffic Authority, July 1997.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment: 12 Charles Street, North Richmond, NSW" report for Messrs Gosses, Delkou and Butler, August, 1997
Lavelle, S., A. Bickford, and the Nepean District Historical Archaeology Group, " DA 4 Management Study: Heritage Assessment, Penrith Lakes Scheme Area., Castlereagh, NSW", Final Report for The Penrith Lakes Development Corporation, August 1997
Lavelle, S., "Assessment and Recording of Masonry and Timber Culvert, Windsor Road, Kellyville, NSW",report for Roads and Traffic Authority, September, 1997.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment Of Alignment Stones, Windsor Road, Between Mulgrave And Kellyville,Sydney, NSW", report for Roads and Traffic Authority, December, 1997.
Lavelle, S., "Statement Of Heritage Impact Proposed Extension Of Prospect Quarry By CSR Construction Materials, Prospect, NSW", Report for Lyall and Macoun Consulting Engineers, December 1997, revised July 1998
Lavelle, S., and Dr G Karskens, "Historical Archaeological Assessment And Management Recommendations, Wiseman's Or Warner's Well, Lot 20 DP 856306, Wisemans Ferry, NSW" Report for The Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society, April,1998.
Lavelle, S., with Associate - Professor R Ian Jack, "Historical Archaeological And Heritage Assessment: Archaeological Site at the Intersection of Glanmire Lane and the Great Western Highway, Glanmire, NSW", report for Roads and Traffic Authority (Western Region), May 1998
Lavelle, S., "Photographic Record Of Work To Reconstruct Stone Box Culvert, Devines Hill, Near Wisemans Ferry, NSW", Prepared for Barrie Toepfer Earthmoving Pty Ltd and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service , July, 1998
Lavelle, S., "Report On Historical Archaeological Salvage Work, 1997, Portion 68, Castlereagh, NSW" Report for The Penrith Lakes Development Corporation and the Heritage Council of NSW, July, 1998
Lavelle, S., "Intended Construction Of A New Residence, Lot 7, Caley Lane, Linden, NSW: Statement Of Heritage Impact Regarding Remnants Of The Cox's Road" Prepared For Arthur Ferreira, Eco Habitats, July, 1998
Lavelle, S., "Heritage Assessment: Bridge/Culvert Over A'beckett's Creek, Church Street, Granville,NSW", report for the Roads and Traffic Authority, August, 1998
MBK Pty Ltd, "Study of Relative Heritage Significance of all Timber Truss Bridges remaining in NSW", 5 Vols., report to Roads and Traffic Authority, December, 1998
Lavelle, S., Dr G Karskens and RTA Technology, "Stage 1 Conservation Plan for the Great North Road" 3 Vols - Report, Inventory and Maps, prepared for the Convict Trail Project, draft December, 1998, final report April, 1999
Lavelle, S. And Professor R Ian Jack, "Historical Archaeological And Heritage Assessment, Upgrading Of The Great Western Highway,Little Hartley, NSW", Report For Musecape Pty Ltd, Final Report, April, 1999.
Lavelle, S., "Statement of Heritage Impact, Proposed Boulder Stabilisation by the Roads and Traffic Authority at Wisemans Ferry, NSW" report the Roads and Traffic Authority, May, 1999
Lavelle, S., "Statement Of Heritage Impact, Proposed Roadworks At Entrance To St Columba's College, Hawkesbury Road, Winmalee, NSW", Prepared For The Roads And Traffic Authority, January, 2000.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Highway Deviation, Soldiers Pinch, Mount Victoria, NSW, State Highway No. 5 Great Western Highway", Final Report Prepared For The Roads And Traffic Authority, March, 2000.
Lavelle, S., "Heritage Assessment And Recommendations, Masonry Culvert, Church Street (Main Road 200), Ryde, NSW", Final Report Prepared For The Roads And Traffic Authority, March, 2000.
Lavelle, S., (In Association With Jo Mcdonald Cultural Heritage Pty Ltd), "Statement Of Heritage Impact, European Heritage Items, South Wentworth Falls, Area 2, Sewerage Project, Tableland Road, Wentworth Falls, NSW", Report For Sydney Water / AWT, March, 2000.
Jack, I., S Lavelle and S Conroy, "13 San Jose Avenue, Lawson, Chicken Sheds in Rear Yard" Report prepared October, 2000.
Cardno MBK Pty Ltd, "Study of Relative Heritage Significance of RTA Controlled Timber Beam Road Bridges in NSW" (3 Vols). Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, October 2000.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological and Heritage Sites, Survey and Assessment, Great Western Highway, Leura and Katoomba, Blue Mountains, NSW" Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, Final Report November 2000.
Cardno MBK Pty Ltd, "Conservation Management Plan for Timber Truss Bridge over Clarence River at Tabulam" Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority (Northern Region), December 2000.
Cardno MBK Pty Ltd, "Study of Relative Heritage Significance of pre-1930 RTA Controlled Metal Road Bridges in NSW" (4 Vols). Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, February 2001.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment, Former Shire Offices, Substation and Council Depot, Lots 1 to 3 and Lot 9, DP 758605,Loftus Street, Lawson, NSW " Report prepared for the Council of the City of Blue Mountains, April 2001.
Lavelle, S., "Statement Of Heritage Impact, Proposed Safety Works at the Intersection of Meurants Lane and Old Windsor Road, Sydney, NSW, Main Road No. 635 " Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, July 2001.
Lavelle, S., with Cardno MBK Pty Ltd,
"Statement Of Heritage Impact for the Tollgate Drive
Overbridge,Tollgate Drive Cutting and BMCC Listed Heritage Item LD 21,
Proposed Highway Reconstruction Works at the Tollgate Drive Cutting,
Great Western Highway, Linden , NSW, State Highway No. 5" Report
prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, August 2001.
Lavelle, S., "Recording of Old Road Formation (1900 Road) Highway Deviation Works Soldiers Pinch Mount Victoria, NSW, State Highway No.5 Great Western Highway" Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, January 2002.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment of Brick Outbuilding, La Salle Academy, Lithgow, NSW", Report prepared for La Salle Academy, February, 2002.
Cardno Pty Ltd, Dr Don Fraser and S.Lavelle,
"Heritage Assessment and Statement Of Heritage Impact for the Arncliffe
Footbridge, Princes Highway, Arncliffe , NSW," Report prepared for the
Roads and Traffic Authority, March, 2002.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Assessment and Recommendations for Restoration Work, Stone Culvert with Wing Walls, Bucketty, NSW (Precinct 4.2.0 Great North Road)" report prepared for Bucketty Tidy Bush Community, April 2002.
Lavelle, S., and Environmental and Heritage Site Locations Unit, RTA, Parramatta, "Historical Archaeological Assessment of XV Milestone, Great Western Highway Near Pitt Street, Mays Hill", Report Prepared for The Roads and Traffic Authority, April 2002.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Report on Works Undertaken during 2001 at Collits' Inn, Hartley Vale, NSW", report prepared for Christine Stewart, May 2002.
Lavelle, S., "Historical Archaeological Investigations during 2001 within the Wivenhoe Villa Garden, 229 Macquarie Grove Road, Narellan, NSW", report prepared for theTrustees of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, May 2002.
Roads and Traffic Authority Heritage Sites Location Unit, with S.Lavelle, "Historical Archaeological Assessment of Two Options identified by Sydney Water for the Greaves Creek Water Supply Quality Upgrade Project" report for Sydney Water, June 2002.
Lavelle, S., with contributions by A. Whitaker and R. Paskin, "Heritage Assessment of Masonry Well, Great Western Highway near Magpie Hollow Road, Old Bowenfels, NSW", Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, August, 2002.
Lavelle, S., with R. Ian Jack, "Non-Indigenous Heritage Assessment of Preferred Option for the Realignment of the Castlereagh Highway, Lidsdale, NSW", Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, September, 2002.
Lavelle, S., with J.Somerville and M. Fallon, "Archaeological Assessment and Construction Monitoring Report, PART 1 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT, Carrington Gardens Driveway Loop, for the Town Square Project BMCC", report for Blue Mountains City Council, September, 2002.
Lavelle, S., "Carrington Hotel Grounds - Lower Terrace, Archaeological Investigations and Results - Interim Report on Preliminary Site Investigations', report for Blue Mountains City Council, September, 2002.
Lavelle, S., for Orwell and Peter Phillips Architects, "Archaeological Assessment: Lindesay 1A Carthona Avenue Darling Point NSW", March 2003.
Hubert Architects, with S. Lavelle, R. Ian Jack and C. Morris, "Blue Mountains Cemeteries: Conservation and Management Plans" (4 Volumes), reports prepared for Blue Mountains City Council, April 2003.
Lavelle, S., "Statement of Heritage Impact for: Clearing and excavation of debris over and around the archaeological site of the Manager's Residence and associated complex, No.1 Anglican Cemetery, Rookwood Necropolis", prepared for the Anglican Cemetery Trust, April 2003.
Lavelle, S., "Statement of Heritage Impact for: Proposed installation of sandstone piers and iron gates into the No.1 Anglican Cemetery, Rookwood Necropolis. To be placed on Necropolis Drive, near Haslem Drive, opposite the intersection of Farrar Avenue, between Sections 3 & 4 of the No.1 Anglican Cemetery", prepared for the Anglican Cemetery Trust, April 2003.
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological Assessment: "The Kraal" 29 Blair Athol Drive, Blair Athol, NSW 2560" report for site owners, June, 2003.
Lavelle, S., with M.Fallon, Integrated Design Associates, "Carrington Hotel Grounds - Lower Terrace: Report on Archaeological Investigations for the Katoomba Town Square 'Carrington Place' Project' Report to Blue Mountains City Council and to the Heritage Council of NSW, June 2003.
Lavelle, S., " St Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery, North Parramatta: Inspection of Damaged Monuments and Assessment of Repair Priorities" final report July 2003. Prepared for Parramatta City Council.
Lavelle, S., with J. Dunn, G. Britton and B. Cameron-Smith, "Mays Hill Cemetery Conservation Plan" report for Holroyd City Council, July 2003.
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological Assessment and Recording of Potential Precinct of the 1815 Cox's Road (Item 31) Great Western Highway, Leura, NSW, report for the Roads and Traffic Authority, August, 2003.
Lavelle, S., "Archaeological Assessment: Historical Archaeological Site of Former Shop And Dwelling at 89 Great Western Highway (Item 13) Lot C In Deposited Plan DP 329843 and of the adjoining allotments Lots A & B In Deposited Plan DP 329843,Great Western Highway, Leura, NSW," report for the Roads and Traffic Authority, September, 2003.
Lavelle,S., "Family Vault of William Lawson, St Bartholomew's Churchyard, Prospect : Report on Archaeological Monitoring of Conservation Works in 2003", prepared for the Council of the City of Blacktown, March, 2004Lavelle, S., "Recording Of Early Twentieth Century Baker’s Ovens Pursuant To Excavation Permit 2003/S140/093, Situated within Lot A in Deposited Plan DP 329843, Lot 302 in Deposited Plan DP 771077, 85 Great Western Highway, Leura, NSW, report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority and the Heritage Council of NSW, May 2004.
Page Last Updated: May 2004
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